Marrone - Professional custom cooking systems
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Ristorante Enrico Bartolini

Previously housed in the Devero Hotel in Cavenago (MB), Chef Enrico Bartolini has recently moved with his eponymous restaurant to the third floor of the Mudec, the Museum of Cultures in Milan.

Installation date May 2016
Location Milan

Elegance, art, and a spacious dining room with large round tables, are the elements that characterize this venue which already earned 2 Michelin stars.

The preparation and inspiration of the talented chef Enrico Bartolini, together with an incredible selection of ingredients, give life to a truly unique menu, bringing together pure and evocative flavors.

Marrone is pleased to know that these culinary transformations take place on a handcrafted cooking block.

The kitchen was commissioned with exclusively electric power supply and is equipped with many custom controls.

Ristorante Enrico Bartolini

Palazzo Versace Dubai

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